Coburg St: |
Stephen's St to Chapel Field East
passing St Stephen's Back St
East side |
Coburg St 4 part of Trumpet PH [1675] 1937-06-05
Coburg St 6 to 8 [1025] 1936-06-14
Coburg St 26 William IV PH [4262] 1954-06-23
Colegate: |
Magdalen St / Fyebridge
St to Coslany St / Oak
passing St Clement's Alley, Calvert
St, St George's St, Muspole
St, Duke St, St
Miles Alley
North side |
Colegate 3 St Clement's rectory [1471] 1936-10-03
Colegate 3 Georgian doorway [0516] 1935-05-05
Colegate 11 to 15 [2166] 1938-03-14
Colegate 19 [3190] 1939-07-30
Colegate 19 [6450] 1987-04-17
Colegate 19 Georgian doorway [3185] 1939-07-30
Colegate 19 rear Old Meeting House Yard [6271]
Colegate Old meeting house south side [6216]
Off Colegate, near Magdalen St, and almost hidden away at
the end of an alley, is the Old Meeting House, tenuously
surviving in a part of the city where depopulation has
occurred. Its history is a fascinating one; I suppose it
really started in 1580 when Robert Browne, considered as
the founder of Congregationalism, visited Norwich. He,
together with Richard Harrison, began a campaign on
behalf of New Testament principles, which soon brought
together a gathering of likeminded people, but after a
year of persecution they were compelled to go abroad.
Nothing more is heard until 50 years later; in 1638 the
Rev. William Bridge, rector of St Peter Hungate and
curate of St George Tombland, was ejected and fled to
Holland as a result of Bishop Wren's enforcement of Roman
Catholic principles. After two years he was able to
return with other exiles and in 1644 the church at
Norwich was instituted. The Rev. Timothy Armitage became
its first minister.
At first its adherents met in private houses, afterwards
in a granary in the old Black Friars' monastery, and then
in a house in St Edmund's parish, which was fitted up as
a chapel. At last in 1693 the present building was
erected, and it has remained very little altered since
that time. Of brick and tile construction, it has a south
facade supported by four Corinthian pilasters, with a
double row of early sash windows, a central sundial, and
an entrance at either end. Its interior is galleried, and
although the seats have been remodelled the pulpit is
original, as is the clock. Among other furniture is a
pulpit chair belonging to John Cromwell; he was a cousin
of Oliver Cromwell and was minister here in 1645. At
first there was no organ; all hymns were started by a
pitch-pipe which the church still has – it also
retains the singing-master's stick. Modern items include
mace and swordrests, secured on a board on which is
painted the city arms and lettering recording the Lord
Mayoralty of Councillor Charles Watling in 1938.
Faced with mounting maintenance costs, the congregation
agreed in 1975 that the City Council should take over the
building and its graveyard on a 99-year lease at one
pound per year rent. In the meantime services of the
Congregational persuasion continue to be held here on the
second Sunday afternoon of each month other than January
and February. |
Colegate Old meeting house south side [B477]
Colegate Old meeting house north side [4434]
Congregational. Built 1693. It is the oldest
Nonconformist Chapel now existing in Norfolk. |
Colegate Octagon chapel through gates [0874]
Having spent some time at the old Meeting House, we
cannot pass by the neighbouring Octagon Chapel without a
glance. When the Black Friars came to Norwich in 1226
they chose this site for their first home, but in 1307
they acquired the property of the Sack Friars, whose
order had just been suppressed, in the parish of St Peter
Hungate. However, after a serious fire in 1413 they had
to return to their Colegate site, where they remained
until 1449, by which time rebuilding was sufficiently
advanced to allow them back into their premises on the
south side of the river.
The chapel now occupying the site was designed by Thomas
Ivory for the English Presbyterians, and the first stone
was laid on 25th February 1754 by Dr John Taylor, the
congregation's minister since 1733. A book by his
grandson John, continued by his son Edward and published
in 1848, gives the early history of the Norwich
congregation and describes the chapel thus:
"The building is an Octagon, the roof being
supported by eight fluted columns of the Corinthian
order, which were marbled by an eminent artist from
London. The ceiling is a dome, supported by eight arches
resting upon columns, divided into corresponding
compartments, and ornamented in the centre by a boldly
projecting flower. The pews are all wainscot, and the
staircases solid blocks of oak. None of the pews were
allowed to be lined; and a resolution was passed at a
vestry meeting protesting against the interment of any
corpse within the building, a recommendation which has
been scrupulously attended to up to the present time.
During the building of the chapel, divine service was
performed at the French Protestant church."
The difficulties encountered by the building committee
when selecting an architect are recounted in the chapel
minute books and have been described at length by Stanley
Wearing in Norfolk Archeaology Volume 21. The
Octagon chapel is now used by the Unitarians as their
place of worship; past members of the congregation
include such eminent names as the Opies, Martineaus and
Mottrams. |
Colegate Octagon chapel Unitarian [6218] 1981-07-30
Colegate Octagon chapel entrance gates [2129]
Since moved to Norwich School in The Close. |
Colegate 27 to 29 [1440] 1936-09-22
Colegate 31 Bacon House south front [1743] 1937-07-03
"A series of trenches planned as an extension of the
structural investigations of the mid 16th century
building of Henry Bacon (mayor of Norwich in 1557 and
1566) was laid out across the suspected line of the
western ditch of the northern (city) defences. No ditch
was found and the earliest features on the site (which
lay 15m. behind the street frontage) were a number of
12th century pits filled with industrial refuse. This
consisted of iron slag and horn-cores and was dated by
sherds of Andenne ware and Red-painted ware. Sealing
these pits, and a 12th century barrel-lined well re-used
as a cess pit, were a series of 13th to 15th century yard
levels into which a late 15th century bell pit had been
dug. The pit, in addition to a sherd of Spanish lustre
ware of c.1470, contained enough fragments of bell mould
to reconstruct the shape and size of a small bell,
probably cast for the adjacent church of St George. The
bell pit disappeared under the east wall of what is
thought to be the great parlour of Bacon's House and was
sealed beneath the floor of what was probably the
kitchen. The walls of this still stand and are quite
clearly slightly later than the main building - which can
be dated to 1547 or earlier. Running east from the
'kitchen' were the foundations of a wall which is
tentatively identified as the north wall of the gallery
with a 'chamber over' mentioned in 1567. At the east end
of this, and abutting the service wing of the house, was
a staircase turret. The foundations of the wall and
turret contained a remarkable collection of 14th and 15th
century worked stone, most of which probably derived from
the previous building on the site but some at least of
which probably came from the 'chapel' site (the old
Blackfriars'?) leased by Bacon in the 1540s. The probable
line of the gallery's south wall (almost certainly an
open arcade) lay outside the limited area available for
excavation. Access to the upper floor of the gallery
would originally have been by the turret staircase only
(a pair to that by which the upper floor of the front
range was reached). In the later 16th century, probably
c1580-90, this was supplemented by the conversion of the
kitchen to a staircase tower. Parts of the decorative
wall plastering of this survive in situ. Other plaster,
probably from the ceiling, was later used in the make up
for an 18th century reflooring of the room when it was
dug out as a sub-basement. The room names that appear on
the plan are the result of documentary research up to
December 1974 and may have to be modified as further
information supplementary to that in wills is
obtained." (A.S.Esmonde Cleary B.A. Excavations
in Norwich 1974 in Norfolk Archaeology Vol.36,
1975) |
Colegate 31 west wing from St George St [2976]
Bacon House. |
Colegate 31 east wing from Calvert St [3035]
Bacon House east wing gutted by fire in 1925. |
Colegate 31 St George St 35 to 39 [1670] 1937-06-03
Bacon House west wing. |
Colegate 31 Bacon House SW corner [0132] 1934-06-17
A good example of a well-preserved Elizabethan house.
Erected a few years before 1549 by Henry Bacon (Mayor of
Norwich in 1557 and 1566). As Sheriff in 1548-9 he
entertained the Duke of Northumberland at the time of
Kett's Rebellion, putting the Duke's emblem of a ragged
staff above his door. The lintel of the front doorway has
a merchant's mark balanced by the arms of the Grocers'
Company and his mark also appears over a window to the
left as well as high up near the south-west angle. During
renovation in 1935 two walls of oak panelling were found
beneath canvas and paper in an upstairs room. Other
panelling is said to have been removed years previously
to Great Witchingham Hall. In the mid-18th century the
house was occupied by Mr Justice Wiggett and in 1850 it
was used as the People's College by J.J.Gurney,
J.Fletcher, J.W.Dowson and others. It was purchased and
restored early in the 20th century by Walter Rye. The
east wing was gutted by fire in 1925. After acquisition
by the City Council the whole building was again restored
and converted to a variety of uses (flats, shops,
clubroom, studios &c.). The work was completed in
1978. |
Colegate 31 Bacon House 16c doorway [0444] 1935-04-14
Front door. In the spandrels are initials "HB"
between a merchant's mark and (right) the arms of the
Mercers' Company. |
Colegate 31 Bacon House view NW [0823] 1936-03-19
Colegate 31 W wing N wall original window [2975]
16c windows in the north gable wall of Bacon House's west
wing revealed by demolition of adjoining property. |
Colegate 31 merchant's mark and H B tablet [2165]
To the left of the front door. Henry Bacon's initials. |
Colegate 31 Bacon House west wing N gable [0762]
From Lowe's Yard. |
Colegate 31 Carrow Abbey wicket spandrels [5896]
Spandrels above wicket of a door removed from Carrow
Abbey, but originally at a house in Bedford St
"F.T.C." "1596". Inserted here at the
east end of Bacon House's Colegate frontage here in 1978.
See also King St, Carrow
Abbey. |
Colegate 31 Thorpe Lodge 16c spandrels [5890]
Tudor period spandrels above doorway in Bacon House's
renovated east wing. Removed from a Summerhouse at Thorpe
Lodge but originally from Bacon House. See also Norfolk,
Thorpe St Andrew. |
Colegate 31 Bacon House west wing view SW [3867]
Colegate 31 Bacon House west wing N gable [3248]
Colegate 31 east wing restored view SE [5902]
Bacon House after 1978 restoration. |
Colegate 31 Bacon House west wing restored [5889]
After 1978 restoration. |
Colegate 31 E wing restored from Calvert St [6204]
Bacon House after 1978 restoration. |
St George Colegate from SE [6637] 1990-09-03
St George Colegate from SW [B120] 1931-00-00
St George Colegate tower from north [1550] 1937-05-03
St George Colegate tower from SW [2265] 1938-04-07
94 feet. |
St George Colegate south doorway spandrels [2264]
Spandrels show the Annunciation and St George being
girded with armour by Angels. |
St George Colegate interior view east [2216]
St George Colegate interior view west [2217]
St George Colegate altar and reredos [2219]
18c reredos. |
St George Colegate John Crome memorial [2218]
John Crome, founder of Norwich school of painters, died
22nd April 1821. |
St George Colegate John Herring monument [2221]
John Herring, Mayor of Norwich 1799, died 22nd September
1810. |
St George Colegate Robert Jannys tomb [4736]
Robert Jannys, Mayor of Norwich 1517 and 1524, died 1530.
Terracotta altar tomb |
Colegate St George's Drinking fountain [6415]
At the corner of St George Colegate churchyard. Given to
the church in the 19c by J.C.Barnham. Inscribed
"Wayfaring Man for thee this Fount was giv'n/ A
Channel to impart the boon of Heav'n/ Drink and thank God
and in this water trace/ An earnest of His love, an
emblem of His Grace". |
Colegate 47 [2683] 1938-08-03
Colegate 47 Georgian doorway [0413] 1935-03-24
Colegate 49 [2684] 1938-08-03
Colegate 49 Georgian doorway [0443] 1935-04-14
Colegate Burrell's Yard view north [1473] 1936-10-03
Colegate Burrell's Yard view north 2 [2029]
Colegate Burrell's Yard view south [2030] 1937-10-09
Colegate Burrell's Yard west side [2027] 1937-10-09
Colegate Burrell's Yard west side view N [2028]
Colegate 51 [2685] 1938-08-03
Colegate 53 [1431] 1936-09-20
Colegate 53 rear from Hook's Yard [2032] 1937-10-09
Colegate Hook's Yard view north [2031] 1937-10-09
Colegate 57 Golden Star PH [2557] 1938-07-19
Colegate 57a [3278] 1939-10-08
Colegate 57a restored [5440] 1975-08-23
Renovated 1975. "1660" "J.S." was
above the first floor windows. |
side |
St Clement's from NE [B119] 1931-00-00
Mainly Perpendicular. |
St Clement's north side from Magdalen St [0171]
St Clement's interior view east [1865] 1937-08-11
A great span of over 29 feet. |
St Clement's 16c font [1866] 1937-08-11
St Clement's Matthew Parker parents tomb [2263]
Parents of Matthew Parker, Archbishop of Canterbury
1559-75, who resided in this parish. |
Colegate 14 to 16 [0878] 1936-04-12
The exterior flint walls are the remains of the house of
John Aldrich, grocer, Mayor in 1558 and 1570. |
Colegate Shave's Yard Tudor doorway [0502] 1935-05-02
Ano 1570. |
Colegate Shave's Yard Tudor spandrels [5928]
A fragment of John Aldrich's mansion. |
Colegate 18 north facade [0612] 1935-08-05
Street facade. |
Colegate 18 south facade [1778] 1937-07-12
Garden facade. |
Colegate 18 south face central window [6205]
Colegate 18 Georgian doorway [0441] 1935-04-13
Colegate 18 Georgian doorway [4777] 1964-06-27
Colegate 18 to 28 [2558] 1938-07-19
Colegate 20 east front [2698] 1938-08-06
Built 1600. Bought by John Harvey, worstead weaver,
before 1710. In 1743 Robert Harvey refaced the walls with
red brick in the Classical style. |
Colegate 20 Georgian doorway [3184] 1939-07-30
Colegate 20 Georgian doorway pediment [0613]
Colegate 20 west side staircase window [5435]
Colegate 32 Black Boys PH [1056] 1936-06-27
Colegate 32 Black Boys PH to 38 [0837] 1936-03-31
Colegate 32 west side exposed [1744] 1937-07-03
Colegate Black Boys Yard view south [2874] 1939-02-16
Facing up nearby Calvert St from the south side of
Colegate is the Merchants Tavern, formerly the Black
Boys, and adjoining it to the west was Black Boys Yard
where, in a building at the rear, during the first half
of the 19c, Miss Sarah Ann Glover held her school. She
was an excellent teacher, but her chief claim to fame was
her invention of the Norwich Sol-fa system of music
notation on which John Curwen's Tonic Sol-fa was largely
based. Miss Glover's father was the rector of St
Lawrence's church and formerly preserved in a room above
its porch, but now transferred to St Peter Hungate Church
museum, is a curious instrument, which she is said to
have used when teaching her pupils. It consists of a long
narrow mahogany box containing a drumstick and a number
of pieces of glass, the latter attached to two pieces of
string to enable them to give forth various musical notes
when struck. |
Colegate 34 to 38 [1439] 1936-09-22
Colegate former Norvic shoe factory [6626] 1990-08-07
Built 1896 and 1906. |
Colegate 52 [1472] 1936-10-03
The house and dye-yard of William Stark, a Norwich School
artist. |
Colegate Grapes Yard view north [2054] 1937-11-19
Colegate 64 to 74 view SE [1469] 1936-10-03
Colegate 64 to 74 view SW [1468] 1936-10-03
Colman Rd: |
Unthank Rd / Mile
End Rd to Earlham Rd / Farrow
passing South Park Avenue, Jessopp
Rd, The Avenues |
Colman Rd Special School exterior [3373] 1940-04-30
Classrooms and administrative block of the school for the
handicapped. |
Colman Rd Special School classroom [3374] 1940-04-30
Colman Rd Special School dining hall [3378]
Colman Rd Special School kitchen [3379] 1940-04-30
Colman Rd Farmhouse PH [3385] 1940-04-30
Colman Rd at North Park Ave [B782] 1933-10-05
The scheme of linking existing roads together into a
circular route was commenced in the early 1920's by
extending Colman Rd northward from Sabin Rd (now the
eastern end of South Park Avenue) to Earlham Rd at a
point immediately opposite Farrow Rd. This followed the
line of an established footpath across what were known as
the "Three Fields". |
Colman Rd at George Borrow Rd [B657] 1933-08-10
And Elizabeth Fry Rd. |
Colman Rd at The Avenues [B649] 1933-07-30
St Anne's Earlham from SE [3060] 1939-06-11
Built 1927. Destroyed during air raid 1942. Bell from St
Edmund's Fishergate. |
St Anne's Earlham rebuilt from Colman Rd [4693]
Rebuilt 1950-51, architect C.H.Dann. |
Colman Rd at Earlham Rd [B650] 1933-07-30
Farrow Rd beyond. |