Cathedral: |
The Close |
Spire vista floodlit from SW [5732] 1977-03-12
Spire vista from Upper Close view NE [B572]
Spire vista floodlit from SW [5733] 1977-03-12
Spire vista under repair from SW [4751] 1963-10-12
Tower 12c, and stone spire 15c. Repaired 1963. |
Spire vista from Pull's Ferry view NW [1172]
Spire vista from south [B077] 1931-08-03
Spire vista under repair from south [4748] 1963-10-05
West front [0144] 1934-07-01
Foundation stone laid at east end by Bishop Herbert de
Losinga in 1096. He died in 1119 and building completed
to west end by his successor Bishop Everard. The present
west window put in by Bishop Lyhart in 15c under the will
of Bishop Alnwick who had altered the central doorway. |
West front coronation floodlit [1611] 1937-05-12
West front cleaned [1544] 1937-04-24
Cathedral West front COLOUR [2963] 1939-04-16
North aisle west end Norman doorway [5598] 1976-07-18
Great west doorway [6280] 1983-08-12
South aisle west end Norman doorway [5597] 1976-07-18
Great west doorway Mother Julian statue [7850]
Carved by local artist David Holgate and dedicated
September 30th 2001. |
Great west doorway St Benedict statue [7849]
Cloisters west wall exterior [6489] 1988-04-12
Cloisters Dark Entry at SE angle [0754] 1935-09-12
Cloisters eastern walk three 14c arches [2153]
Arches formerly leading to the now demolished chapter
house. |
Cloisters SW angle [6635] 1990-09-03
Cloisters NE angle [1834] 1937-08-06
New refectory on Cloisters south side [7947]
Cathedral cloisters air raid precaution [3258]
The Dark Entry to the cloisters. |
Dark Entry and restored library [7948] 2004-05-19
East side of cloisters. |
South transept doorway and clock [6466] 1987-05-25
St Luke's chapel view NE [0151] 1934-07-04
Presbytery clerestory south side [6588] 1989-09-19
Built after the spire fell in 1362. Flying buttresses
added a century later to support stone roof of Bishop
Goldwell. |
Lady chapel and flying buttresses east end [3266]
Eastern Lady chapel construction north side [B241]
Built in 1932 as a war memorial and replacing one which
had been destroyed during the reign of Elizabeth I, the
Eastern Lady Chapel was reconsecrated by the Bishop on
3rd May 1932. |
Eastern Lady chapel completed from NE [B528]
Chapel of Holy Martyrs exterior [4286] 1954-08-29
North transept Norman doorway [5723] 1976-09-04
North transept [5724] 1976-09-04
Nave view east [2344] 1938-04-16
Screen west side [2345] 1938-04-16
Nave view west [2342] 1938-04-16
Nave north arcade 9th pillar [2343] 1938-04-16
Nave south aisle view west [2346] 1938-04-16
Choir view west a week after organ fire [2331]
Presbytery view east [2332] 1938-04-16
Choir stalls northern row [2328] 1938-04-16
Choir view west a week after organ fire [2327]
Organ destroyed by accidental fire. |
Lantern and choir arch [2333] 1938-04-16
Choir stalls northern row [2325] 1938-04-16
Bishop Goldwell's tomb north side [2317] 1938-04-16
Bishop Goldwell 1499. South side of Presbytery. |
Bishop Goldwell's tomb south side [2316] 1938-04-16
Pelican lectern [2330] 1938-04-16
Episcopal throne or Bishop's seat [2320] 1938-04-16
Bishop's cathedra [2334] 1938-04-16
19c. |
Reliquary arch north ambulatory [2318] 1938-04-16
Jesus chapel or Chapel of Holy Martyrs [2319]
Or St Stephen chapel. |
Lady chapel 13c archway [2321] 1938-04-16
Lady chapel [2329] 1938-04-16
Eastern Lady chapel built 1932. |
South ambulatory view east [2323] 1938-04-16
Presbytery south arcade [2335] 1938-04-16
Remodelled in 16c. |
North transept stone vaulting [2326] 1938-04-16
Vaulting erected by Bishop Nykke in 16c. |
North transept from south [2324] 1938-04-16
St Luke's chapel font [2322] 1938-04-16
From the demolished church of St Mary in the Marsh. |
Cloisters east walk view south [2340] 1938-04-16
Cloisters NE angle prior's doorway [2336] 1938-04-16
Cloisters south walk view east [2338] 1938-04-16
Cloisters east walk 9th bay roof boss [2341]
"The Flagellation" central boss. |
Cloisters SW angle lavatorium [2337] 1938-04-16
Cloisters south walk 12th bay roof boss [2339]
"Michael and His Angels Fight the Dragon"
central boss. |
Civic procession of regalia into Cathedral [B321]
Civic Visit to Norwich Cathedral 1932 |
Civic procession Lord Mayor into Cathedral [B322]
Silver Jubilee Cathedral Lord Lieutenant [0552]
Silver Jubilee 1935 United Thanksgiving Service at
Norwich Cathedral. Beginning at 11:30 the service lasted
for over an hour. Taking part were representatives of the
Established Church, the Free Churches, the Jewish
Community, Christian Science, The Catholic Apostolic
Church, The Society of Friends and the Salvation Army.
Lord Lieutenant for Norfolk (Russell J.Colman J.P.)
watching the procession entering. |
Silver Jubilee Cathedral Mace Bearers [0553]
Silver Jubilee Cathedral Lord Mayor [0554] 1935-05-06
And Town Clerk. |
Silver Jubilee Cathedral clergy [0555] 1935-05-06
Coronation Cathedral civic regalia [1571] 1937-05-12
A United Service in Norwich Cathedral opened the City's
Coronation Day celebrations with appropriate solemnity.
Clergy of all denominations took part. The ex-service men
with their medals filled the north transept, while the
public were accommodated in the nave. |
Coronation Cathedral city officials [1572] 1937-05-12
Town Clerk, Acting Lord Mayor, Sheriff etc. |
Coronation Cathedral church choirs [1573] 1937-05-12
Coronation Cathedral choir [1574] 1937-05-12
Coronation Cathedral Church Lads' Brigade [1575]
Civic visit Lord Mayor Sheriff at Cathedral [4256]
And deputy Lord Mayor. |
Cathedral spire view north [1830] 1937-08-06
Palace Plain, Whitefriars. |
Cathedral tower view N to Gas Works [B411] 1932-08-01
Cathedral tower view NE to playing fields [B407]
Cathedral tower window view E to Bishopgate [B405]
Cathedral tower view E to Bishopgate [B406]
Cathedral tower view S [B408] 1932-08-01
Cathedral spire view south [1831] 1937-08-06
From the topmost window in the spire, 300 feet above
pavement level. Lower square of The Close, and rear of
Prince of Wales Rd properties. |
Cathedral tower view SW to castle [B409] 1932-08-01
Cathedral tower view west [1828] 1937-08-06
Upper square of The Close, Tombland. |
Cathedral spire view west [1832] 1937-08-06
Tombland, St Andrew's, river Wensum. |
Cathedral tower view NW [B410] 1932-08-01
Cathedral spire view NW [1833] 1937-08-06
Norwich school precint, Fyebridge and river. |