The Close: |
Tombland anticlockwise from St Ethelbert's gate
passing The Cathedral |
St Ethelbert's Gate west side from Tombland [0127]
Built in 1316 by the citizens as a recompense for the
destruction of the Gate and adjoining Chapel of St
Ethelbert during a conflict with the monks in 1272. The
western pediment is an early 19c restoration. |
St Ethelbert's Gate Jubilee floodlit [0529]
St Ethelbert's Gate east side [2145] 1938-03-09
St Ethelbert's Gate south side [3836] 1949-10-14
St Ethelbert's Gate stone vaulting [3897] 1950-07-08
St Ethelbert's Gate stone vaulting [4778] 1964-06-27
Close The 2 [0985] 1936-06-09
Built 1702 by Thornagh Gurdon who wrote a history of
Norwich Castle. |
Close The 2 Georgian doorway [0451] 1935-04-14
Close The 3 to 4 from Almary Green [0984] 1936-06-09
Built 18c on the site of and incorporating parts of one
of the monastic granaries. |
Close The 3 to 4 from St Faith's Lane [4911]
Close The 3 to 4 rear from St Faith's Lane [0128]
Close The 5 [0986] 1936-06-09
Close The 5 rear from St Faith's Lane [0982]
Close The 6 Hay's lodgings [0987] 1936-06-09
c1578. |
Close The 6 16c doorway [2985] 1939-05-20
Left spandrel has three cups and wafers. Right spandrel
has initials "C.W.". Believed not in its
original position. |
Close The 6 16c doorway [2986] 1939-05-20
Close The 6 16c doorway spandrels [2987] 1939-05-20
Close The 6 rear from St Faith's Lane [0983]
Close The 6 wall adjoining garden [7035] 1993-07-23
Arcaded wall. |
Close The Holland Court Tudor archway [4733]
Tudor archway bearing Arms of the See of East Anglia. |
Close The 7 [1032] 1936-06-16
North front. |
Close The 7 Georgian doorway [0458] 1935-04-19
Close The 7 rear from south [7777] 2000-10-15
Inhabited 1780 by Dr Sandby, Chancellor of the Diocese. |
Close The 8 to 12 [1033] 1936-06-16
11 was in 1783 occupied by Thomas Garland the Cathedral's
organist and discoverer of Zachariah Buck. |
Close The 16 [5218] 1968-07-02
Close The 17 [6573] 1989-07-21
Close The 17 to 18 [4284] 1954-08-29
18 the home of Dr Silas Neville in 18c. |
Close The 23 to 24 [7436] 1997-03-29
Close The Pull's Ferry from Riverside Rd [B111]
With oval-shaped flat bottomed ferry boat moored on the
left side of the creek. |
Wherry Albion passing Pull's Ferry [3831] 1949-10-14
Close The 25 Ferry House east side [1008] 1936-06-11
Pull's Ferry. Named after Poole, the last ferry man to
have kept it as a PH c1800. |
Close The 25 Ferry House east side [2510] 1938-06-26
Pull's Ferry Watergate east side [1009] 1936-06-11
Built in mediaeval times at the entrance to a canal
leading to the Lower Square of The Close. |
Close The 25 Ferry House east side restored [3840]
Pull's Ferry Watergate rebuilding east side [3835]
Restored 1949. |
Pull's Ferry Watergate E side illuminated [6746]
Close The Ferry House west side [1010] 1936-06-11
Pull's Ferry Watergate west side [0012] 1934-01-09
Close The 25 Ferry House west side restored [3839]
Pull's Ferry Watergate rebuilding west side [3838]
Close The stables and coach houses by ferry [5381]
North side of lane leading to ferry. |
Close The 26 Dean's House [4283] 1954-08-29
Close The 26 late Georgian doorway [5380] 1974-08-24
Close The 27 [1005] 1936-06-11
Close The 28 [7439] 1997-03-30
Close The 29 [7440] 1997-03-30
Close The 30 [1006] 1936-06-11
Close The 31 [1007] 1936-06-11
31 to 34 were built on the site of the monastic brewery
and bakery. 32 and 33 date from 1682 according to an
inscribed stone in the centre of the facade, having been
erected by John Ringall. |
Close The 31 Georgian doorway [0478] 1935-04-20
Close The 32 to 33 [1002] 1936-06-10
Former canal gate hinge on Close The 32 [4285]
Above and to the right of where the down-pipe is fixed to
the wall. |
Close The 34 [1003] 1936-06-10
Close The 35 [1013] 1936-06-11
35 to 39 are known as Blagrave tenements after the man
who acquired a lease of the site in 1679. |
Close The 38 [1012] 1936-06-11
Close The 38 restored [4464] 1956-08-03
Renovated 1956. |
Close The 40 to 41 rear restored [5213] 1968-06-14
Renovated 1968. |
Close The 41 [1011] 1936-06-11
Close The Bishop's House [6688] 1991-05-20
In St Martin's Palace Plain. Erected 1959, architect J
Fletcher Watson. |
Close The 43 to 44 [1014] 1936-06-11
Close The 43 to 44 [2523] 1938-07-07
Close The 45 shop [6754] 1992-02-26
Close The 46 to 48 Hook's Walk [6589] 1989-09-19
Close The 49 Hook's Walk [1004] 1936-06-10
Close The 49 to 50 [0438] 1935-04-13
Close The 50 [2705] 1938-08-08
Residence of Dr Frank Sayers, a physician, poet, essayist
and antiquary, from 1792 to 1817. |
Close The 50 rear [7435] 1997-03-29
Close The Lower Square COLOUR [2964] 1939-04-16
Close The 51 to 52 [1001] 1936-06-10
Close The 52 Georgian portico [7573] 1998-09-06
Close The 53 Dial House [6490] 1988-04-12
Close The 54 to 56 [1000] 1936-06-10
51 to 56 incorporate much of the monastic granary
including 13c arcade and 15c roof. |
Close The Edith Cavell grave [B262] 1932-05-00
Close The Edith Cavell grave [6992] 1993-05-24
Life's Green. |
Close The former Deanery east side [6272] 1983-07-12
In monastic times this was the Prior's Hall and buildings
extended across the road to the west linking it with the
Cloisters. |
Close The former Deanery north side [6563] 1989-07-12
Close The former Deanery south side [0999] 1936-06-10
Close The former Deanery west side [2982] 1939-05-19
Close The 57 Abbeyfields Victorian gothic [6583]
Close The 58 to 59 [7448] 1997-04-27
Close The 58 to 60 [5212] 1968-06-14
Close The 60 [7424] 1997-01-14
Close The 60b [7543] 1998-04-22
Alnwick Gate Bishop's Palace north side [0137]
c1436. |
Alnwick Gate Bishop's Palace south side [5728]
Alnwick Gate door [6499] 1988-05-20
Alnwick Gate door [6562] 1989-07-12
Bishop Salmon's Gate east side [5726] 1976-09-04
Formerly a porch to a Great Hall, now destroyed, built by
Bishop Salmon early in the 14c. |
Bishop Salmon's Gate north side [2101] 1938-03-03
Bishop Salmon's Gate west side [5727] 1976-09-04
Bishop Reynolds' chapel from NE [5725] 1976-09-04
Built by Bishop Reynolds 1661-76 reusing Bishop Salmon's
14c windows. |
Bishop's Palace from Cathedral tower [1829]
The Bishop's Palace, much altered in the 19c, still
retains a miniature Norman keep. |
Close The 63 [0996] 1936-06-09
In Cathedral Close, thanks to careful stewardship, little
has changed over the years except for the better. Wartime
raiders left few permanent scars, perhaps the most
obvious being the site of No 63, now a car park. Here,
until burned down in the raid of 27th June 1942, was a
commodious house, built in the 19c to the south of the
Cloisters, on part of the site of the old monastic
Infirmary. Three massive pillars, of late 12c style,
standing in the garden in front of this house, were then
the chief visible remains of that earlier edifice. They
had previously been incorporated in a workhouse that was
pulled down in 1804. Etchings made by the Reverend Andrew
Gooch and David Hodgson just after demolition had started
clearly show how much of the fabric of the Infirmary had
formed part of this later building. After the war, when
the ruins of the house were cleared away, two further
pillars were brought to light and allowed to remain along
with the others open to view. |
Infirmary eastern ruined pillar [2152] 1938-03-12
Ruins of Monastic Infirmary, south of cloisters. |
Infirmary three ruined pillars [2096] 1938-02-27
Ruins of Monastic Infirmary, south of cloisters. |
Infirmary western pillar and blocked arches [7423]
Ruins of Monastic Infirmary, south of cloisters. |
Infirmary pillar revealed at The Close 63 [4207]
Revealed after a fire at 63 The Close in 1942, |
Close The 64 early 19c cannon corner post [4430]
Used as a corner post, Francis & Blyth Norwich, early
19c. |
Close The 65 [0989] 1936-06-09
Close The 65 Georgian doorway [3896] 1950-06-29
Close The 66 to 67 west front [2524] 1938-07-07
Close The 66 to 67 rear from SE [0988] 1936-06-09
Monastic guest hall ruins east side [6632] 1990-08-13
West of cloisters. |
Monastic guest hall ruins west side [2100] 1938-03-03
West of cloisters. |
Close The Duke of Wellington statue [2154] 1938-03-12
Moved to The Close 1937. |
Close The Duke of Wellington statue [7484] 1997-09-13
Close The Mother and Child sculpture [7773]
By Norma Blake. |
Close The Upper Square bronze sculpture [7778]
Close The Lord Nelson statue [2467] 1938-06-18
Erected in Market Place 1852. Moved to The Close 1856. |
Close The Lord Nelson statue [7485] 1997-09-13
Close The Norwich School from Palace St [1685]
Close The Norwich School teaching block [2098]
Close The 69 Old School House [2097] 1938-02-27
Close The 69 Old School House restored [4425]
Restored 1956. |
Close The 69 Old School House restored [4426]
Norwich School-house mediaeval doorway [0440]
Formerly a college for the priests who served the
chantry. |
Norwich School chapel [0751] 1935-09-12
Built as a chantry for six priests by Bishop Salmon in
1316. Approached by a beautiful vaulted porch with
curious winding steps. The work of Bishop Lyhart (bishop
1446-73). Beneath the chapel is a stone-vaulted charnel
house. |
Norwich School chapel [B149] 1931-00-00
Norwich School chapel porch [0439] 1935-04-13
Close The 70 [6176] 1981-05-15
Erpingham Gate west side from Tombland [B449]
Erected c1420 for Sir Thomas Erpingham. The work of
Norfolk stonemason, Thomas Hindley. |
Erpingham Gate Jubilee floodlit [0530] 1935-05-05
Erpingham Gate archway with figures [3868] 1950-06-15
Erpingham Gate north side carving detail [3869]
Erpingham Gate east side [2143] 1938-03-09
Erpingham Gate east side restored [4429] 1956-05-15
Close The 71 [0990] 1936-06-09
Close The 71 restored [4427] 1956-04-18
Close The 73 [2144] 1938-03-09
Close The 75 [2689] 1938-08-05
Close The 75 early 19c doorway [2151] 1938-03-12