St Augustine's St: |
Botolph St / Pitt
St / Gildencroft to Bakers Rd / Aylsham Rd / Magpie
passing Sussex St, St
Martin at Oak Wall Lane
East side |
St Augustine's St 5 to 7 Rose PH [2751] 1938-08-27
St Augustine's St 5 to 7 rear from yard [3209]
St Augustine's St Rose Yard 4 to 8 [2132] 1938-03-07
Coronation St Augustine's St Rose Yard [1622]
1937 coronation decorations. |
St Augustine's St 13 to 19 [2763] 1938-08-30
St Augustine's St 23 to 25 [0889] 1936-04-12
St Augustine's St 31 to 33 [2752] 1938-08-27
St Augustine's St 35 to 39 Prince of Wales [2753]
Prince of Wales PH. |
St Augustine's St Stonemason's Court 2 [2764]
Formerly 55 St Augustine's St [at which was living Arthur
William Hall, stonemason, according to the 1925 Kelly's
Norfolk Street Directory] |
St Augustine's St Stonemason's Court 2 [7464]
After renovation. |
St Augustine's St Catherine Wheel Opening [1450]
South side of Opening. |
St Augustine's St Catherine Wheel Opening [0109]
St Augustine's St Catherine Wheel Opening [6219]
side |
St Augustine's from SE [1921] 1937-08-24
From St Augustine's St. |
St Augustine's tower from Gildencroft [1920]
1680's red brick replacing former tower that collapsed
1677. |
St Augustine's interior view east [1915] 1937-08-24
16c arcade. |
St Augustine's 15c font [1916] 1937-08-24
Octagonal. |
St Augustine's Elisha de Hague tablet [1918]
Elisha de Hague, Town Clerk of Norwich, died 11th July
1792 aged 74. |
St Augustine's Matthew Brettingham tablet [1917]
Matthew Brettingham, architect of Norwich, died 19th
August 1769 aged 70. |
St Augustine's Thomas Clabburn tablet [1919]
Thomas Clabburn, master weaver, died 31st March 1858 aged
70. |
St Augustine's St 22 [2754] 1938-08-27
St Augustine's St 22 to 30 Winecoopers Arms [2765]
St Augustine's St 28 to 30 restored [6385] 1986-06-19
St Augustine's St 42 to 52 Sussex St 1 to 5 [6386]
Sussex St on left. |
St Augustine's St 62 to 64 [7727] 2000-02-02
62 after conservation. 64 the former Royal Oak PH. |
St Augustine's St 62 to 64 rear [7728] 2000-02-05
Showing timber frame in upper floor of 64. |
St Augustine's St 64 Royal Oak PH [1488] 1936-10-04
St Benedict's St: |
Cross / St Gregory's Alley to Grapes Hill / Dereham Rd / Barn
passing Ten Bell Lane, St
Swithin's Alley, Wellington Lane (formerly Duck Lane)
North side |
St Lawrence's St Benedict's St from SE [2260]
St Lawrence's tower NW from Westwick St [0133]
The rebuilding of St Lawrence was completed 1472. It is
said to stand on the site of an ancient quay for landing
fish. Now one of three redundant churches in St
Benedict's St, it was the subject of an appeal for funds
to complete its restoration. Much work has been done
towards safeguarding the structure, in particular the
strengthening of the exterior stonework of the
clerestory; some of the retaining wall on the Westwick St
side of the churchyard had to be virtually rebuilt. |
St Lawrence's south porch [6658] 1990-10-12
St Lawrence's west doorway arch [2261] 1938-04-07
St Lawrence's west doorway arch [6649] 1990-09-28
Left and right carvings show martyrdom of St Lawrence and
King Edward. |
St Lawrence's interior view east [1847] 1937-08-07
St Lawrence's rood stair turret door [1887]
Linenfold pattern in panels. |
St Lawrence's 15c font [1888] 1937-08-17
St Benedict's St 21 to 25 [5432] 1975-07-01
St Benedict's St 23a [2750] 1938-08-27
St Benedict's St 33 [1088] 1936-07-07
St Margaret's S side from St Benedict's St [2259]
St Margaret's always appeared well kept; although damaged
by raiders during the war it was later repaired, the
tower in 1948, the remainder by 1951. In 1965, while the
church was still in use as a place of worship, it was
decided to take down four of the bells, of which two had
come earlier from St Swithin's, and to transfer them to
St Andrew's Church, Holt, to make up their peal. Two
years later a new stained-glass window, the work of
Michael King, was fitted into the east end of the church.
Its subject, the Ascension, was described at the time of
its unveiling as "a modern representation without
any clearly recognisable figures, the window is a blaze
of colour, which shows up all the more in the clear white
light of the remainder of the church, and gives a
wonderful impression of Christ ascending".
By January 1977, the church had come under the threat of
redundancy. The remaining bell was transferred to Morley
St Botolph, and the building was subsequently stripped of
its furnishings; by 1981 it was in use as a gymnasium. |
St Margaret's south porch [6639] 1990-09-03
St Margaret's vestry wall stone crucifix [6020]
Mediaeval stone crucifix set in modern north vestry wall. |
St Margaret's interior view east [1848] 1937-08-07
St Margaret's openings to chapel and aisle [1882]
Arched openings in the nave walls leading to the eastern
chapel and aisle. |
St Margaret's 14c font [1881] 1937-08-14
When I visited here in 1937 to record some of its
treasures the font seemed the most prominent feature. Of
its three elements, the bowl displayed a circle enclosing
a shield on each of its eight sides; engaged columns
supported the shaft, and a tall pedestal, the sides of
which were enriched with quatrefoils enclosing Tudor
roses, raised it some two feet or so above the ground. |
St Margaret's 15c parish chest [1849] 1937-08-07
The late 14c chest was also noteworthy; it had traceried
panels greatly resembling those on a chest of similar age
at Litcham. |
St Benedict's St 47 [2527] 1938-07-07
St Benedict's St Queen of Hungary Yd view N [1753]
St Benedict's St Queen of Hungary Yd view S [1760]
St Benedict's St 49 [1042] 1936-06-20
St Benedict's St 49 COLOUR [2967] 1939-04-16
St Benedict's St Reeve's Yard view north [1437]
St Benedict's St Reeve's Yard view north [6253]
St Benedict's St Reeve's Yard view south [6252]
St Swithin's south side [2015] 1937-09-22
Declared redundant since the war, this church was once at
the hub of a flourishing parish. When at the turn of the
century, the Rev. John Sawbridge was appointed to the
joint livings of St Swithin and St Margaret he found the
latter a thriving church; St Swithin's, however, was in a
deplorable state. Though the church had formerly
possessed a square embattled tower, this had become so
dangerous that in 1881 it had had to be demolished, to
the benefit of the adjoining alley, which until then had
been barely a yard wide at that point. The three bells
were transferred to St Margaret's church.
Anxious to get things remedied, the new rector called a
meeting to decide whether to turn the church into a
parish hall or to keep it as a church and build a hall
separately. The latter arrangement was eventually agreed
upon, after an anonymous benefactor had come forward with
a promise to finance the scheme. He was as good as his
word, and by 1910 H.H.Prince Frederick Duleep Singh, who
had written a memoir on the church, was able to comment
on its judicious restoration, adding that "all
Norfolk antiquarians owe this gentleman a deep debt of
Mr Sawbridge remained here for some 15 years, seeing the
buildings put to full use. He then left for London and
later Mildenhall, returning eventually to Norfolk, where
he died at Newton Flotman rectory in 1955, aged 78. A few
years before his death he revisited St Swithin's and was
saddened to see it once more neglected, but he realised
that whereas 50 years previously the district between St
Benedict's and Westwick St had had a population of some
1,100, it had since dwindled to fewer than a hundred.
Were he alive today he would no doubt be much heartened
to see it again in full use, this time as an arts centre. |
St Swithin's interior view east [2211] 1938-03-30
North arcading fluted columns and pointed arches. |
St Swithin's interior view west [2212] 1938-03-30
South arcading classical style with round arches. |
St Swithin's roof view west [2215] 1938-03-30
Arch-braced collar-beam roof. |
St Swithin's 15c font [2213] 1938-03-30
Carved with emblems of the Trinity and the Arms of East
Anglia. |
St Swithin's two misericord seats [2214] 1938-03-30
St Benedict's St 59 from St Swithin's Terr [1092]
St Benedict's St 63 to 65 Stag PH [2748] 1938-08-27
St Benedict's St 67 former Beehive PH [1090]
At No 67 stood a Tudor house of three storeys, if one
included the attic lit by three modern-looking flat
roofed dormers. The exterior walls had received a smooth
coating of plaster, hiding from view the timber framework
other than the joist-ends forming the first floor jetty.
This was until the 1930s the Beehive public house, one of
several in the city with that sign; after the licence was
given up the adjoining yard continued to bear the name.
According to Larwood and Hotten, insects very rarely
occur on inn signboards. Bees were the exception, their
habitation being made a favourite object, to imply a
similar industry on the part of the landlord. |
St Benedict's St 85 [2747] 1938-08-27
St Benedict's St 89 Fountain PH [1089] 1936-07-07
Among property destroyed in teh blitz was the Fountain
public house at 89 St Benedict's St, on the corner of St
Benedict's Back Lane. This was one of the city's old
coaching inns and was in existence 200 or more years ago,
as evidenced by an advertisement in the Norwich
Gazette of 17th November 1741, quoted in full by
Walter Wicks. The gist of it was that anybody indebted to
the landlord was instructed that by spending sixpence in
jorams of beer - ready money the debtor would have
a like amount deducted from his debt or debts, provided
that the whole debt was cleared within six months,
otherwise prosecution would follow. Mr Wicks thought that
the landlord (William Gray, alias Major Gray) was the
originator of this "new way to pay off old
debts", but a rather similar notice relating to the
Duke's Palace inn had appeared on 14th March 1724, signed
by landlord John Burges. |
St Benedict's Back Lane from inside city [0108]
Mutilated portions of wall incorporated in houses on west
side of St Benedict's Back Lane which ran north from 89
St Benedict's St. View north. |
side |
St Benedict's St 12 to 14 rear building [5924]
With weavers' window. |
St Benedict's St 18 to 20 [6357] 1986-04-04
St Benedict's St Hannent's Yard [1759] 1937-07-08
St Benedict's St 28 [1153] 1936-07-21
St Benedict's St Turner's Court view NE [1757]
17c gabled timber framing plastered over. |
St Benedict's St Turner's Court view SE [1758]
Coronation St Benedict's St [1568] 1937-05-09
1937 coronation decorations. |
St Benedict's St Green's Yard west side [1754]
Three King Lane east side before demolition [0777]
St Benedict's St 56 to 58 Plough PH [3218] 1939-08-07
St Benedict's St 58 W side from Plough Yard [1084]
St Benedict's St 58 Plough PH east side [6455]
St Benedict's St Plough Yard west side [1160]
St Benedict's St St Swithin's Alms houses [4718]
Plough Yard, St Benedict's St. Founded 1691 by bequest
from Edward Temple. Rebuilt here in 1903. |
St Benedict's St 86 from Adam and Eve Yard [2749]
West side of 86. |
St Benedict's St 86 Cardinal's Cap PH [1159]
The sign was probably put up in honour of Cardinal Wolsey
who visited Norwich in 1517 and again in 1520 when Queen
Katherine and the Cardinal were entertained in the City. |
St Benedict's St 86 east side view north [1543]
East of St Benedict's church, the street's architecture
has altered surprisingly little; the openings to many of
the old yards remain, though little is left of the
cottages they once contained. Many of their nameplates,
such as those of Adam and Eve Yard and Cardinal's Cap
Yard (the latter now gone), commemorated one-time
taverns. The former, according to Walter Wicks, stood at
the bottom of St Benedict's Church Alley and was once
kept by a landlord rejoicing in the name of Cain Abel!
The other, which closed down as a licensed house only
within recent years, is believed to have been named in
honour of Cardinal Wolsey's visits in 1517 and 1520; on
the second occasion he and Queen Catherine were
entertained by the city.
The front of the building, particularly on the ground
floor, has been much altered, but the yard to the left
continues to present a quite different picture. Here one
sees a pleasing display of original black timberwork
alternating with cream-coloured plaster. Casement
windows, one containing diamond-shaped leaded lights and
apparently ancient, help to present a scene which could
well hold its own against that displayed by any other
small courtyard of a similar period in the city. The
small dormer in the roof, however, shown in my
photograph, has since been removed. |
St Benedict's St 86 east side view south [1542]
St Benedict's south side from church alley [0140]
St Benedict's church was another sad loss caused by that
April raid, only its round Norman tower now surviving to
mark the site. The church was not a large one. As well as
the tower with its octagonal 14c belfry, it consisted of
a clerestoried nave with north aisle, north and south
porches and a chancel. All the external walls except for
those of the tower and south porch had been faced with
plaster. The roof was of slate.
Before the war the tower contained two bells, although
when L'Estrange made his survey in 1874 there were three,
(1) John Brend made me 1636.
(2) Elias Brend made me 1659 E.T. E.S.
St Benedict's interior view west [2196] 1938-03-23
The body of the church exhibited several styles, but that
of the Perpendicular period predominated. The arcading
between aisle and nave had been altered at some time
during the 19c by the substitution of iron posts for two
of its three pillars. |
St Benedict's chancel and Tudor arch [2195]
A single wide four-centred arch, bent towards the south,
separated aisle from chancel. |
St Benedict's interior view SE [2197] 1938-03-23
The supporting timbers of the nave roof were open to
view, but the chancel had a ceiled semicircular vault;
the arch dividing it from the nave was supported by
angels. |
St Benedict's 15c font [2198] 1938-03-23
The majority of the interior fittings were modern, but
there was a fine (though mutilated) stone font of the
15c, which has standing figures around the stem and a
seated one within each of the eight panels of the bowl. |
St Benedict's air raid damage [3622] 1946-04-19
During the raids the south wall of the church collapsed,
and with it the roof, leaving only the tower with its
belfry (damaged but since repaired), the north aisle with
its arcading to the nave, the north wall of the chancel,
the north porch and the font; the latter was later
removed for installation elsewhere.
Archaeological excavations were carried out here in 1972,
when four mediaeval building periods were identified,
along with traces of earlier religious uses of the site.
The first church, possibly dating from late in the 11c,
was a simple one of nave and small apsidal chancel only.
This was followed about a century later by the building
of a tower and enlargement of the chancel, which was then
made square-ended. In the third building phase all but
the tower was demolished, to be replaced, perhaps early
in the 14c, by a slightly larger church having nave and
chancel of equal width. Finally, during the 15c the
church was again rebuilt, to take on the form that
survived up to 1942.
That the north aisle had been built by 1484 is indicated
by the historian Francis Blomefield, who stated that in
that year "William King was buried in the Church,
and made, and glazed a new Window in the North
Isle". Certain modifications carried out during
succeeding centuries, particularly during Victoria's
reign, involved extensive restoration, when much of the
east wall was rebuilt and the exterior completely
refaced. Sillett's view of the north side of the church,
made in 1828, shows that the nave and aisle roofs were
then leaded and the chancel tiled; the slates were
therefore put on after this time.
Detailed reports by Alan Carter and others on excavations
which have taken place both here and elsewhere in the
district will be found in the pages of Norfolk
Archaeology and East Anglian Archaeology, from
which the above notes have been drawn. |
St Benedict's Alley 1 front [1158] 1936-07-27
The alley ran from 94 St Benedict's St to Pottergate past
the church. |
St Benedict's Alley 1 rear [2083] 1938-02-19
St Benedict's Alley Jermy's Buildings [2084]
St Benedict's Alley Jermy's Buildings house [2082]
St Benedict's Alley west side old house [2081]
St Benedict's St 106 White Lion PH to 110 [1157]
St Benedict's St White Lion Yard view north [1156]
St Benedict's St White Lion Yard view north [2556]
St Benedict's St 108 to 110 [1490] 1936-10-04
Adjacent to the city wall at the corner of Wellington
Lane before the war were buildings of three storeys
having cement-rendered walls, slightly overhung at
first-floor level and lit by sash windows, except on the
top floor of No 108 which retained an old thoroughlight.
No 110 (pictured with 108) was for many years Pimm's the
grocers, while a barber's shop was next door at No 108.
Between the two a covered passageway spanned by a wooden
arch led to houses in Little White Lion Yard, but these
were demolished in 1938 along with other adjoining
property in Duck Lane, as this end of Wellington Lane
used to be called. |
St Benedict's Gate abutment inside city [0107]
A sketch of St Benedict's Gate made by the historian John
Kirkpatrick in 1720 recorded that it had a square tower
above the archway, which was of considerable width, with
a two-light pointed window overlooking the inner side and
the following inscription facing the west:
A watch turret adjoined to the south. All was demolished,
except for the south abutment, with one of the
hinge-pins, in 1793.
The brick-arched opening in the photograph is not to be
confused with the gate, for this was pierced through the
wall in 1930 when some decrepit property adjoining to the
west was pulled down. Thus, not only was the wall shown
off to much better advantage but it was also possible to
widen the carriageway by setting back the footpath. |
St Benedict's Gate site south side view E [0015]
In the raid of April 1942, all the wall shown in the
photograph was blown down, but the gatehouse abutment
still stood, albeit considerably cracked and out of true,
on the very edge of a large bomb crater. Because of its
condition it was later entirely cleared away, and so the
last remnant of the gates belonging to the city's
fortifications was destroyed as a result of enemy action. |
St Benedict's Gate iron hinge pin [B110] 1931-00-00
On south abutment of gate. |