Bishop Bridge Rd: |
Gas Hill / Riverside
Rd / Bishopgate to Barrack St / Gurney Rd / Kett's
East side |
Bishop Bridge Rd 27 rear gas holder [7627] 1999-05-09
Bishop Bridge Rd east side view north [5134]
Site of abandoned proposed Inner Link road extension. |
Bishopgate: |
St Martin's
Palace Plain to Bishop Bridge Rd / Gas
Hill / Riverside Rd
North side |
Bishopgate Crown Court House [6501] 1988-06-24
Erected 1987-88. |
Bishopgate 3 to 7 [2541] 1938-07-13
Bishopgate 3 to 9 [0955] 1936-05-12
Bishopgate 9 to 15 [0954] 1936-05-12
In 1775 the nearby Tabernacle, furnished with handsome
mahogany seating and a beautiful pulpit, was sold to the
Countess of Huntingdon who set up a trust to appoint
ministers "whose preaching and sentiments [were]
according to the articles and homilies of the Church of
England". Disused by the 1930s, it was acquired by
the Eastern Gas Board, whose works adjoined to the north,
and was pulled down early in 1953, the year of its
bicentenary. In the photograph the minister's house may
be seen on the extreme right, forming an end support to
an interesting row of houses of varying dates. That to
the left of the picture stood in the centre of this row,
next Goodrum's Yard. Timber framed and faced with
plaster, it had rather picturesque bay windows supported
on wooden props and contrived below the first floor
At the western end of the row, opposite the church of St
Martin-at-Palace, stood a rather plain little building,
also cement rendered, known as the Cupid and Bow public
house. Of its history little is known save that Edward VI
granted six tenements here to the Great Hospital. Let on
lease in 1827 to Youngs and Burt, brewers, predecessors
of Youngs, Crawshay and Youngs, the inn remained in their
occupation until the property was sold by the Great
Hospital in 1917 to the British Gas Light Company.
It was near here that in 1549 Lord Sheffield was killed
by Kett's rebels. For a long time a stone in the
pavement, incised with the letter "S", marked
the spot. This was moved to the street corner in the
middle of the nineteenth century, but was later taken up
when the present tablet (now transferred to the wall
opposite) was built into the south wall of the inn in the
1860s. This tablet was made and installed at the expense
of Dr Charles Williams, who also had a new "S"
stone placed as near as possible to the original spot.
Unfortunately when the civic authorities later made up
the path the stone was covered with asphalt and thus lost
sight of. |
Bishopgate 11 to 15 [0953] 1936-05-12
Bishopgate 11 to 15 [2540] 1938-07-13
Bishopgate 15 Tabernacle minister's house [0606]
Tabernacle House, architect Thomas Ivory. 1753. |
Bishopgate The Tabernacle [0941] 1936-05-06
A section of Bishopgate, north of the entrance to Life's
Green and The Close, was known during the 19c as
Tabernacle St. Here in a secluded corner adjacent to the
Adam and Eve public house stood the Meeting House or
Tabernacle, a plain little red-brick building with
pantiled roof and a double row of sash windows, opened by
Mr Whitfield on 14th April 1753. Stanley Wearing in Georgian
Norwich and its Builders considered this to have been
the first building in Norwich with which the locally
famous architect Thomas Ivory was known to be connected.
Since arriving in Norwich in 1750, the Reverend James
Wheatley, a Calvinistic Methodist, had been preaching in
the city at various places including a Tabernacle set up
in a house on Scoles Green. Unfortunately his ideas were
not generally well received and frequent riotous scenes
occurred, resulting in his molestation to such an extent
that on more than one occasion "the poor creature
was half dead, not able to walk alone, and in a most
terrible condition", to quote one eye-witness.
Nevertheless he was undeterred and was eventually able to
purchase land for the building of the Meeting House shown
in the photograph, together with an adjoining
three-storeyed dwelling house. |
Bishopgate The Tabernacle [3068] 1939-06-14
Built 1751-52 for James Wheatley a Calvinistic Methodist.
Later acquired by the Countess of Huntingdon's
Connection. Architect Thomas Ivory. |
Bishopgate view of Gas Works [4887] 1965-04-03
Side view. |
Bishopgate 17 Adam and Eve PH [3194] 1939-07-30
Bishopgate 17 Adam and Eve PH side [4886] 1965-04-03
Bishopgate 19 Georgian doorway portico [0479]
Bishopgate 19 St Helen's House east side [0940]
From St Helen's Square. |
Bishopgate 19 St Helen's House east side [7535]
Bishopgate 19 St Helen's House west front [1394]
Bishopgate Great Hospital St Helen's tower [3894]
"The Hospital of St Giles, commonly known as the
Great Hospital, was founded by Walter de Suffield bishop
of Norwich in 1249. He pulled down the parish church of
St Helens on the south side of Holme Street (now
Bishopgate) and provided accommodation for the
parishioners in his new buildings on the north side of
the street. The Hospital establishment consisted of a
Master, four chaplains, a deacon, sub-deacon and four
sisters (over 50 years old) to minister to the inmates,
and four lay brothers. Its function was to maintain poor
and decrepit chaplains of the diocese of Norwich, and
also to provide 13 poor people and seven poor scholars
with a meal a day. In 1310 the chaplains were increased
to eight and were to wear the habit of secular canons.
The Hospital was dissolved by Henry VIII, but at the
petition of Norwich citizens it was restored to the city
by Edward VI. It is now administered by Trustees, and
with its additional buildings it houses nearly 200 old
people of both sexes.
The buildings are of great interest and represent in the
main a rebuilding of the Hospital in the 14c and 15c. It
is probable that Suffield's parish church was south of
and parallel to the Hospital chapel, both being east of
the infirmary hall. The present arrangement (somewhat
obscured by 16th century alterations) shows an aisled
church of three bays, intervening between the infirmary
hall and the large chancel, the latter being of unusual
size to accommodate the chaplains who were functioning as
chantry priests. The aisle arcades bear the arms of Prior
Nolet (1453-71) Bishop Goldwell (1472-99) and Sir James
Hobart, one of Bishop Goldwell's executors (d. 1507), and
also the sun in splendour, the badge of Edward IV. The
chancel had been built previously by Bishop Spencer
(1370-1406) and was completed in 1385, the year that
Richard II and his queen, Anne of Bohemia, visited
Norwich. Its richly panelled roof, with 253 painted
eagles, is supposed to commemorate the queen. The long
vaulted porch is probably part of an earlier structure
and the elaborately vaulted Lady Chapel appears always to
have contained the parochial altar. The infirmary hall is
an extension of four bays west of the church, built in
plainer style, and at its south-west corner is a large
tower, adjoining the destroyed south aisle. The cost of
the tower was defrayed by a bequest of John de
Derlington, Chancellor, who was Master of the Hospital,
1372-5. To the north is a cloister, with a dining hall on
the west, where the daily meals provided by the founder
were no doubt served, and lodgings for the master and the
chaplains on the north. The apartments to the east, one
of which is said to have been the Chapter House, have
disappeared, but the doorways remain. When the hospital
was reconstituted under Edward VI, both the infirmary and
the Chancel were separated by walls from the Church, and
floors were inserted to provide two storeys in each.
These are fitted with cubicles the one for men and the
other for women. The architectural detail is of
considerable interest and the church has good
fittings." (Walter H.Godfrey in The
Archaeological Journal Vol.CVI, 1949) |
Bishopgate Great Hospital St Helen's S side [7107]
St Helen's tower from SW [2287] 1938-04-10
This church is now part of the Great Hospital of St
Giles, and only the centre part is used for Divine
Worship. The greater part of the nave and quire having
been adapted for inmates. The whole is 15c. |
St Helen's tower S transept from Bishopgate [2288]
Bishopgate Great Hospital and St Helen's [B112]
Bishopgate Great Hospital S porch entrance [4065]
Bishopgate Great Hospital S porch tablet [6600]
Bishopgate Great Hospital cloister entrance [3895]
And former refectory. |
St Helen's cloisters NW corner [2296] 1938-04-12
Bishopgate Great Hospital cloister view NW [2295]
St Helen's cloisters SE corner [1898] 1937-08-18
St Helen's interior view SE [1891] 1937-08-18
St Helen's northern arcade of nave [1895] 1937-08-18
St Helen's south transept [1892] 1937-08-18
Where the present altar stands. |
St Helen's south transept vaulted roof [1894]
Groined roof of south transept with stone bosses. |
St Helen's T and E Ivory pew [1893] 1937-08-18
Erected by T.William and Elizabeth Mary Ivory 1780. |
Bishopgate Great Hospital Birkbeck Hall [3891]
East side of hall. Erected on site of old brew house
1901. |
Bishopgate Great Hospital Chaplain's house [0939]
Bishopgate Great Hospital Chaplain's house [2543]
St Helen's Square, north side. |
Bishopgate Great Hospital Chaplain's house [6751]
Reconstructed dormers. |
Bishopgate Great Hospital offices [2542] 1938-07-13
St Helen's Square, north side. |
Bishopgate Great Hospital Master's house [2544]
St Helen's Square, east side. |
Bishopgate Great Hospital Eagle ward E end [3988]
Bishopgate Great Hospital kitchens [3888] 1950-06-29
North of cloisters. |
Bishopgate Great Hospital new alms houses [3890]
Built 1937, architect S.J.Wearing A.R.I.B.A. |
Bishopgate Great Hospital right Prior Court [6752]
Left 19c alms houses. Right Prior Court opened 1980. |
Bishopgate Great Hospital swan pit [3889] 1950-06-29
side |
Bishopgate 4 [7542] 1998-04-22
("BA 1778") |
Bishopgate 54 Hermitage half timbered [5124]
Half timbered first floor. |
Bishopgate 54 Hermitage restoration [7521] 1997-12-15
Garden front. |
Bishopgate 54 Hermitage thatched house [0584]
Bishopgate 64 Meadow House [7529] 1998-03-01
Built 1855. |
Bishopgate 70 north front [7537] 1998-03-13
The fine Georgian front was added to the original timber
framed building in 1786. |
Bishopgate 70 south garden front [7538] 1998-03-13
Wensum Bishop Bridge carriageway view east [0010]
Wensum Bishop Bridge S side view upstream [4589]
Constructed 14c. The only mediaeval bridge remaining in
Norwich. Of previous structures on the site little is
known. In 1249 it belonged to the Bishop's See. The
present structure probably dates from after 1275 when a
patent was granted to the Prior to erect a gate
"with a bridge 20 feet broad thereto
adjoining". This gate was built over the westernmost
arch at the expense of Richard Spynk according to his
charter of 1343. Handed over to the city in 1393 it saw
military action during Kett's rebellion (1549) but was
demolished in 1791. Only the bays above the western
cut-waters remain to mark the site of the two angle
turrets. |
Wensum Bishop Bridge south side illuminated [6745]
Wensum Bishop Bridge N side view downstream [0938]
Wensum Bishop Bridge N side from E towpath [B619]
Wensum Bishop Bridge S side view upstream [4588]
Bishop Bridge gatehouse SE turret base [7707]
A gatehouse stood over the western arch of the bridge
until 1791. Excavations revealed the foundations of the
gatehouse's south-west corner turret in 1998. |
Bishop Bridge gatehouse turret excavations [7540]
Bishop Bridge gatehouse turret wall base [7551]
Bishop Bridge gatehouse turret base angle [7572]
Cow Tower view north from E bank of Wensum [0011]
Originally used by the Cathedral Priory as a prison and
for the collection of river tolls, it was conveyed to the
City in 1378 and rebuilt in 1399 as part of the defences.
Long believed to have been constructed entirely of brick
except for the stone foundations, however a survey in
1985-6 showed it to be of flint with brick facing. |
Cow Tower Hospital Meadow General's Buildgs [B596]
Cow Tower NE side [B092] 1931-00-00
Cow Tower south side [B093] 1931-00-00
Cow Tower south side [3769] 1949-04-29
Cow Tower from east illuminated [6747] 1991-11-08
Cow Tower flint and stone foundation [4918]
Cow Tower interior east side [4917] 1965-08-07
Wherry Albion rounding bend at Cow Tower [3828]
Refitted in 1949 by the Norfolk Wherry Trust in order
that at least one of these typically Norfolk trading
vessels should continue to be seen plying its course
along the County's rivers and broads. The Wherry Albion
is seen here proceeding along the Wensum at Norwich on
14th October 1949 - the day following its maiden voyage
from Yarmouth to Norwich after having been refitted. |
Wherry Albion going downstream at Cow Tower [3829]
Wherry Albion toward Bishop Bridge [3830] 1949-10-14